Smokey Night

Misha Alsleben
17 min readAug 31, 2021

A Short Erotic Story- Definitely Not Safe For Work.

“Val you’ve got this” My friend Nikki spit out ending a rant that had gone on much too long.

“Nikki I know you think that out of anyone. I am the most deserving of this, but seriously I don’t think that going out for drinks with someone is the best thing for me right now.”

“Of course it is, plus the guy is hot and he swiped right just like you did. “

I swiped right because he was hot and out of my league. I stated flatly I was a bottle deep in Moscato and bored “I thought nothing would come from it” I shrugged, slipping on my heels.

“Yeah well, not too out of your league apparently,” she gestured to my body throwing me a wink

“Besides, if it goes horribly, go to the ladies’ room, text me 911 return to your table and I’ll call within 5 mins crying and you have your out” She grinned proudly at her plan.

“Whatever I’m mainly doing this to get you off my ass about taking a night for myself”

“Honey, you need it and you’ll thank me later you look stunning, by the way,” she gushed, looking over my dress and body.

“Ok wish me — “

She put her hand up in front of me. “Stop right there you don’t need luck, Valerie, you’ve got assets, and just because…



Misha Alsleben

Nature-loving Wife, Mom, Author, hobby photographer, and self-professed foodie . I write fiction, and a little bit of everything ♡