7 Thing’s Sea Turtles Want You To Do

Misha Alsleben
4 min readJan 12, 2022
Bill Nye and Ryan Reynolds Twitter Tweet SS.

To start, I think remembering Bill Nye and Ryan Reynolds exchange on twitter is a great opening for this article.

So what do sea turtles really want ? Pretty easy, a clean ocean, so what do they want you to do ?

Ditch the Straws

Plastic straws are used at a alarming rate. Sure they are conveinent , as long as your not a turtle with one stuck up your nose that is. So ditch the straws. A good resource is Mermaid Straw! You can use lilwritinghood for 10 percent off your order !

Support Net Fishing Bans or Regulations

Trapped in a net, the turtles are dragged through the water with no access to the surface to breathe, causing them to drown. It’s estimated that some 4,600 sea turtles are killed by fishing nets and hooks every year in U.S. waters. That is JUST sea turtles numerous other marine life face the same or similar detrimental consequences to human actions.

Help advocate for climate change

— During the Texas Freeze 13,000 near death frozen sea turtles were found on beaches. Of the approximately 13,000 sea turtles found, about 4,300 have been rehabilitated and released, according to the Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network, a cooperative of federal, state and private partners coordinated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It’s been the largest cold-stunning event for sea turtles recorded in the U.S. since the network was established in 1980.

While most of the sea turtles found during the winter storm were already dead, those that survived wouldn’t have if not for the rescuers, said Barbara Schroeder, NOAA’s national sea turtle coordinator. She said the water and air temperatures were “too cold for too long” for them to recover on their own. While not addressed officially there is much speculation and research that this cold snap was from climate change.

Participate In Cleanups

Participate in coastal clean-ups and reduce plastic use to keep our beaches and ocean clean. Trash in the ocean can harm sea turtles and other creatures that live there.



Misha Alsleben

Nature-loving Wife, Mom, Author, hobby photographer, and self-professed foodie . I write fiction, and a little bit of everything ♡